Website Maintenance
Our trained website design professionals will supplement your site’s page by programming, updating existing website pages and/or adding new pages or posts to your site.
Content editing can be accomplished with updated information, such as special offers, product changes, pricing changes, new product and services announcements, employee information changes and all those things that keep your visitors properly informed.
- Content Management System
- Modification and addition of website content
- Image manipulation and addition (client supplied images)
- Adding/removing website pages
- PDF creation and uploading
- Shopping cart product updates
- Update announcements, articles, etc.
- Replace images, i.e., pictures & graphics
- Monitoring of search engine rankings
Website Makeover
If you haven’t been getting the response to your website that you initially anticipated, it may be time to commit to our Website Makeover Program.
In some cases, small adjustments to an existing website can remedy a problem, particularly in terms of website navigation and content.
We’ll evaluate your website structure, content writing, functionality, appearance and style.
We can change a little or a lot, depending on your website makeover needs.
In the end, you’ll see dramatic improvements at a cost much lower than starting from scratch. And you’ll find surprising results in your search engine optimization results too.